Last night I ate in the square, where families gathered, children played and pilgrims gathered. Astorga is alive. So many of the towns we go through are dying, and they feel like their dying. Rural Spain depends so much on the Camino for their economy.
Today though was a happy day. The winter seems to have backed off, the sun shone with temperatures reaching into the 70's. We climbed up from Astorga 500 meters to Foncebadon where I'm staying to night. My Camino friend Philippa's birthday is today. The crowd I've been traveling with made a plan to meet up here in Foncebadon for the shindigs. Haven't seen a lot of these friends
since the first night I was in Leon. Hail hail the hangs all here.
Still no blisters, my sore muscle is healed and I for one love the hills. It reminds me of home. And the spring/summer, it just doesn't get better than that. I also had a long phone call with my sweetie. With only about 150 miles left I'm full confidence.
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