Koutiala is about 400 kilometers (6 hours) from Bamako, the capitol city of Mali. It is located in the region of Sidasso and its population is about 110,000. The market is the largest market within a 60-kilometer radius and happens on on Thursday
At Tuboniso we had one day of training with our Malian counterparts “Homologues.” My homologue was not present. When the time came to travel out to Koutiala I was on my own. Everyone in
On Friday they found me a homologue. Three metal workers from the Metal Workers Association came to meet me and gave me a tour of their shops. This is my homologue Tiemoko Diarra demonstrating a water pump that pumps water out of a well and connects to a hose to water gardens. The shop here builds them and school desks. Tiemoko builds metal shutters for windows and metal doors. All homes in Mali have metal window shutters and metal doors partly for security and partly to keep water out when the storms come suddenly with the hardest rain I have ever seen which comes after thunder and lighting followed by strong winds then the hard rain falls.
Hi Mom,
Rae, Tress, and I are sitting here in rainy cool grey Seattle and we were looking at your pictures and blog and wanted to say we miss you.
Love You!!
Hi Maridee,
Just a quick note before I head out for my errands today. We talked about you and missed you on the RR ride on Saturday. I think you will get the ride review, but I will say it was a hot, sunny and gorgeous day and I loved that 14 of us were out there enjoying it.
I am assuming you are well and having your adventure brings you joy. Do stay well and happy.
Hey, is that address posted down the page still good? :D -Joan
Hi there!
I am Vivek from Delhi-India. Hope you are still living in Koutiala, if yes, then I need your help. We are supposed to export cargo shipments from India to Koutiala by sea route, first to Abidjan and then by road to Koutiala. For which I need someone who can custom clear and handle the same at Koutiala/Abidjan. Is it possible for you to provide me some reference?
Looking forward for an early response.
Best Regards,
Vivek Sharma
e-mail: vivektananya@gmail.com
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