Friday, February 21, 2020

Don't Pigeon Hole Me

Laurie Anderson’s message to young artist; Be loose. She goes on to say that the label of multimedia artist is meaningless. Hearing Laurie Anderson, someone I admire, gave me the freedom to make my blog diverse. Most blogs I read have a central theme, cooking

blog, food blog, travel blog but this isn’t me. I am someone diverse, someone who wants to tell stories, and there are all kinds of stories that take place in my life. Stories of people I admire that I want to share with you or my response to those stories. Consider this blog a rainbow of experiences.

I’ve heard Laurie Anderson describe her work as words and stories. She says the stories themselves aren’t as important as how they’re told. This is true for me too. It’s how words and images are gathered together to create a new vision. Laurie Anderson’s latest art installation Mohammed el Gharani: Habeas Corpus exemplifies the importance of how a story is told. Mohammed el Gharani was the youngest prisoner in Guantanamo and Laurie Anderson collaborates with him to tell his story in an exhibition at the Park Avenue Armory. Laurie captures Gharani’s prisoner persona of both being there and not being there at the same time. The exhibit gave Gharani a platform to tell his story in away that overwhelmed his audience. (if your interested in hearing about this exhibit here’s a YouTube to watch

Bell Hooks, also affirmed that I can have a blog with stories on a range of topics. She talks in an interview about how people are framing her as a public intellectual. She doesn’t see herself as a public intellectual and she doesn’t want to spend time trying establish on how she sees herself as opposed to how other people try to define her. She explains that this would take her away from her tasks. It
would take her way from her work, and it’s the work that she wants to focus on. Mixing activism or politics with art and writing, people frame you as an activist in total. I see my writing as public art, with a private vision. I think if you read through my blog posts you will get a sense of consistent ideas in conversations that are rare, they are encounters that don’t necessarily happen every day.

I get inspired by a trip to a museum, watching the news, taking a walk in the forest, swimming in the ocean or doing political work and it’s these inspirations I want to write about, that’s the kind of thing I want to share. Other people frame me but the work I do does have a purpose but may not seem that way with just one read. I feel passionate about the intersection of ideas. No single outlook defines me, I’m a rainbow of inspirations. There is a refrain that holds my writing together and that defines it as my writing.
So, I ask you not to pigeon hole me or my blog as travel blog, political blog, feminist blog. Just enjoy the many forces in the world drawing me in from day to day. Our society wants to pigeon hole people because it helps people who want to get known to label themselves, to market themselves. I’m not here to market myself, I’m here to tell stories, to share experiences.

I do see my writing as an art. From journaling, to poetry, to storytelling, to essay, I try to create an ambience to convey a feeling that will surround you softly, or sometimes grab you and shake you into what I see as a reality, to get you enraged to stand up for something, or minimally to talk about it and maybe even write something yourselves.

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