Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just need a few of you to help out

In a couple of weeks the Bogolan Association will be going to Segou to participate in a week long training that Segou bogolan artist are gracously offering for free to help out their fellow Malians. Since my National Counterpart Koro who helped me intergrate into the community and has been a major help on all my projects here is a Bogolan artist my next few projects will be focused on helping the Bogolan Association of Koutiala.
Before we begin this next phase the bogolan artists are in great need of new equipment and supplies. Thier main work table top is roating, the other tables are ready to fall apart and if they repair any of thier stenciles one more time the quality of their work will not be exportable.

I would like to ask some of you to go to http://www.peacecorps.gov/ click on "Donate Now" in left menu and search for Mali. I am asking for $138 for supplies for the bogolan artists. It is not much but will mean so much to the people I work with.

Thank all of you who have helped get me to where I am today I could not do my service without all the support of my friends and family back home.


Joan Marie said...

Yo, Maridee! The peacecorpg.gov donation section isn't showing any donation projects for Mali, and appears it was last updated Sept 21.

I mean ARGH! :D

-Joan in Seattle

MarideeBonaDea said...

Joan in Seattle,

Good to hear from you how's the motorcycle.

I followed the link and searched the country of Mali, the project is Supplies Management. If you still have problems email me at maridee_bonadea@yahoo.com, I can't find your email in my contacts.
