I walked around to the back of the truck, started cutting
the robe, constantly looking around for anyone coming my way. At times like this it always seems to take longer
than you expected. As soon as the rabbit
was cut free, I ran around to the driver’s side of my car and hopped in, closed
the door and left. This action seemed symbolic
but I remind myself of the strong symbolism in anything hanging from a noose even
some inanimate object, particularly hanging from the back of a truck.
The rabbit hanging from a noose to me symbolizes
dragging deaths motivated by hate. Hate crimes that are plaguing society today not only in mass
shootings but at the US boarder and beyond. One of the most powerful examples in history of a of a racially
motivated dragging death was the murder of Byrd an African American who was
murdered by three white young adults. A death motivated by racial hate in Jasper, Texas, on June 7, 1998. Today hate crime perpetrators just get
semiautomatic guns. In my community of
Vashon hate obviously lingers just under the surface. I fear where and when
this hate will come out.
Vashon a community of mostly white affluent people, the visible
culture appears progressive. It is this
population at least in today’s Vashon dominating the media both in the Vashon
Beachcomber and on social media. In the
last ten years Social Media dominates the community dialog. Groups on facebook like;
Vashon All, Old Vashon Pictures, Vashon Predators, Vashon Armature Gardeners along
with several email groups. Two of the
email groups I moderate, Vashon Pride and Vashon Women. All strictly moderated by what appears to be
Vashon has hidden hate is obvious by some of the racist symbolism
and graffiti I have come across in the last several years. Sometimes I think we
brush this hate under the table and don’t acknowledge the isms that plague us all
today. Starting with classism, racism and
sexism. It’s time to take up the
unending processing of the past when we acknowledged our shortcomings and our
isms. We need to talk about them today more than ever. As white people we need to continue
processing our privilege to resist those that actively project images and dogma
of hate and discrimination.
Hope, the name I have given to the stuffed rabbit I rescued
hanging from the truck bumper on a noose now sits relaxing on my bookshelf
above my desk as reminder of how all us can do little acts of resistance to
overcome hate. Rescuing the rabbit is a
symbolic act of resisting hate, but this symbolic hate that the rabbit represents
is a symbol of a much larger arsenal of hate hidden in the minds of people
waiting for an opportunity to come out with it as we have see in this time of Trumpism. Wake up Vashon there is hate in our community
and we need to acknowledge it and talk about it.